Blowby connector 11128741 for engine Volvo D12C
Price not available
Condition: Second hand
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 11128741
Nr. mag.: 44343
Blowby connector is Second hand, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 11128741, for diesel engine Volvo D12C. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find oil pumps, oil coolers, oil valves, piston cooling nozzle. D12C combustion engines have many applications. Volvo is a Swedish company producing, among others construction machinery.
Volvo A35D, Volvo A35D, Volvo A40D, Volvo A40D, Volvo EC330BLC, Volvo EC360BLC, Volvo EC360BNLC, Volvo EC460BLC, Volvo EC460BLC, Volvo L180E, Volvo L220E
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
D12C, D12C AAE2*, D12C ABE2*, D12C EDE2, D12CAC2, D12CADE2, D12CEAE2, D12CL
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.